When COVID-19 sent us into lockdown in early March 2020, we all turned to our screens for comfort and connection. Building and maintaining our ZWM community has always been important, especially in tough times like a global pandemic. Throughout the month of May, ZWM decided to carry out #JomZeroWaste community livestream sessions once a week. The sessions covered many different aspects of the transition towards a zero waste lifestyle, including things like composting, beginner experiences, skincare/beauty routines, and low-waste pet care. The live streams were held mainly in English, but we also had several in Mandarin and BM.
16 different guests graced us with their time, along with hosts from the ZWM volunteers, making each livestream interactive and engaging to emulate a casual, real-life setting with Q&A sessions and even mini games. Our guests ranged from local zero waste business owners from stores like Seedy Zero Waste Store & Minus Zero Waste Store, to our well-known zero waste influencers like Elena & ZWM founders Aurora and Sue Yee themselves!
Here are a list of livestreams held, in chronological order:
DIY zero waste beauty routine, with Jasmine
Keeping low waste during a pandemic, with Aurora
Low waste Ramadhan & a bonus fridge tour, with Elena
Zero waste pet care, with Nadia
Zero waste wardrobe: 3 years of buying nothing new, with Melissa
50 easy zero waste tips & BINGO, with Kamini
Zero waste parenting in a multi-generational household, with Nurun
Composting without a garden, with Izzati
Saving grade B veggies, with Clara
How package free stores are still practicing low waste during a pandemic, with Cassey & Grace
Agriculture-supported communities, with Ming
[没塑就好] 环保之路 (Mandarin), with Goldfish Brain
Gaya hidup sisa sifar (BM), with Ruth
How to host a clothes swap, with Jayda
Zero waste weddings, with Juvien
To make this idea a reality, the ZWM team spent the prior month meticulously planning and scheduling to perfection to make sure the live streams were executed smoothly – and it was a success! By the end of the month, we hosted 15 sessions, reaching a total of 61,500 views, garnering an additional 578 new followers and 483 new likes on our social media platforms, as of the time of writing.